User Agent Parse Batch API

Send large batches of user-agents

In the beginning, the first API end point we made: the user agent parser endpoint was designed for parsing user agents one at a time, right at the time you need it - perhaps when someone logs a support ticket with you, or encounters an error. This is what it was built for and it works great in those scenarios.

Batches: For when you don't need "real-time" processing

If you're analysing user agents in large batches - perhaps from an existing database or set of log files - then it doesn't really make sense to send them through one by one.

Far more efficient

You'll save time and minimize HTTP requests by sending them using our batch end-point.

You'll get the same "parse", "version_check", and "result" response that you would get for a single user-agent parse request, along with some "parse_stats" to let you double check that your request worked as expected.


"user_agents": { "1": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.155 Safari/537.36", "2": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36", [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] "500": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0" }


{ "parses": { "1": { "parse": { "hardware_type": "computer", "operating_system_name": "Mac OS X", "software_sub_type": "web-browser", "operating_system_version": "Yosemite", "simple_sub_description_string": null, "software_type": "browser", "hardware_sub_sub_type": null, "extra_info": {}, "software_version_full": [ "44", "0", "2403", "155" ], "software_name_code": "chrome", "layout_engine_name": "Blink", "capabilities": [], "operating_system_flavour_code": null, "detected_addons": [], "operating_system_flavour": null, "operating_system_frameworks": [], "hardware_sub_type": null, "software_name": "Chrome", "software_version": "44", "simple_operating_platform_string": null, "operating_platform_vendor_name": null, "operating_platform": null, "extra_info_dict": {}, "is_abusive": false, "operating_system": "Mac OS X (Yosemite)", "operating_system_version_full": [ "10", "10", "4" ], "operating_platform_code": null, "operating_platform_code_name": null, "operating_system_name_code": "mac-os-x", "layout_engine_version": [], "simple_software_string": "Chrome 44 on Mac OS X (Yosemite)", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.155 Safari/537.36", "software": "Chrome 44" }, "version_check": { "latest_version": [ "64", "0", "3282", "119" ], "is_checkable": true, "is_up_to_date": false, "update_url": "", "download_url": "" }, "result": { "message": "The user agent was parsed successfully.", "code": "success", "message_code": "user_agent_parsed" } }, "2": { "parse": { "hardware_type": "computer", "operating_system_name": "Linux", "software_sub_type": "web-browser", "operating_system_version": null, "simple_sub_description_string": null, "software_type": "browser", "hardware_sub_sub_type": null, "extra_info": {}, "software_version_full": [ "42", "0", "2311", "135" ], "software_name_code": "chrome", "layout_engine_name": "Blink", "capabilities": [], "operating_system_flavour_code": null, "detected_addons": [], "operating_system_flavour": null, "operating_system_frameworks": [], "hardware_sub_type": null, "software_name": "Chrome", "software_version": "42", "simple_operating_platform_string": null, "operating_platform_vendor_name": null, "operating_platform": null, "extra_info_dict": { "Hardware Architecture": "x64" }, "is_abusive": false, "operating_system": "Linux", "operating_system_version_full": [], "operating_platform_code": null, "operating_platform_code_name": null, "operating_system_name_code": "linux", "layout_engine_version": [], "simple_software_string": "Chrome 42 on Linux", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36", "software": "Chrome 42" }, "version_check": { "latest_version": [ "64", "0", "3282", "119" ], "is_checkable": true, "is_up_to_date": false, "update_url": "", "download_url": "" }, "result": { "message": "The user agent was parsed successfully.", "code": "success", "message_code": "user_agent_parsed" } }, [...] "500": { "parse": { "hardware_type": "computer", "operating_system_name": "Windows", "software_sub_type": "web-browser", "operating_system_version": "7", "simple_sub_description_string": null, "software_type": "browser", "hardware_sub_sub_type": null, "extra_info": { "20": [ "Possibly running on Windows Server 2008 R2" ] }, "software_version_full": [ "38", "0" ], "software_name_code": "firefox", "layout_engine_name": "Gecko", "capabilities": [], "operating_system_flavour_code": null, "detected_addons": [], "operating_system_flavour": null, "operating_system_frameworks": [], "hardware_sub_type": null, "software_name": "Firefox", "software_version": "38", "simple_operating_platform_string": null, "operating_platform_vendor_name": null, "operating_platform": null, "extra_info_dict": {}, "is_abusive": false, "operating_system": "Windows 7", "operating_system_version_full": [ "NT 6.1" ], "operating_platform_code": null, "operating_platform_code_name": null, "operating_system_name_code": "windows", "layout_engine_version": [ "20100101" ], "simple_software_string": "Firefox 38 on Windows 7", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0", "software": "Firefox 38" }, "version_check": { "latest_version": [ "58", "0" ], "is_checkable": true, "is_up_to_date": false, "update_url": "", "download_url": "" }, "result": { "message": "The user agent was parsed successfully.", "code": "success", "message_code": "user_agent_parsed" } } }, "parse_stats": { "total": 500, "success": 500, "error": 0 }, "result": { "message": "This batch of user agents was processed successfully. Check `parse_stats` for details.", "code": "success", "message_code": "user_agents_batch_processed" } }

Want the details?

The best place to start is with our Integration Guide.

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