Browser-up-to-date checks

When your user runs into a problem on your website and your support team needs to help them, the last thing you want to do is ask them time-consuming and difficult questions about something as boring as their computer. You want to get straight to the point of helping them!

Part of the response from our User Agent Parsing API response includes whether their browser is up to date or not.

The response also includes what the latest version number actually is so that you can encourage them to upgrade. Most of the browsers will also have a link to one of our handy guides which steps a user through the process of upgrading their browser. You can provide this link to your users if you want.

Help your users

Out of date software is one of the leading causes of problems for computers. Our version checker will help you know when your customers are running old web browsers and help them to upgrade.

Up to date software version checks for all the major browsers

We provide this version check for the most popular web browsers on a number of different platforms:

Software Platforms
Chrome Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
Safari macOS, iOS
Firefox Standard (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Firefox (Extended Support Release) Standard (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Firefox iOS iOS
Internet Explorer Windows
Edge Windows, Windows 10 Mobile, Xbox One
Vivaldi Standard (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Opera Standard (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Opera Android Android
Yandex Browser Standard (Windows, macOS, Linux)

API Response

When you parse a user agent with the User Agent Parser feature, part of the response is the version_check block.

It looks like:

[...] "version_check": { "is_checkable": true, "is_up_to_date": false, "latest_version": [ "64", "0", "3282", "119" ], "hours_released_ago": 36, "update_url": "", "download_url": "" } [...]

This block tells you if the browser's version can be checked by our system to see if it's up to date (if it's one of the browser is the table above, it will always be true. If the browser is up to date, it will show in the is_up_to_date boolean value. And you'll also see what the latest version number actually is which makes it easy to prompt your users to upgrade their browser; you could say "Why not upgrade to Chrome X".

And then, to make it even easier, we also include links to download a new copy of the browser, and if we have written a detailed guide to updating the web browser in question, there'll be a link to it as well.

Want the details?

The best place to start is with our Integration Guide.

Get started now

The API is free to use and easy to set up, so why not get started right now.

Do you have a question? Get in touch! We'd love to help you.